By Dr. Mercola Daylight saving time (DST), the practice of moving the clock one hour ahead in the summer and then back an hour in the fall, was used during World War I in the hope it would save energy. Over the coming decades, the world experienced unexpected repercussions from the time change — so much so, in fact, that many would like to stay on one time, all the time. The issue of abolishing DST is backed by good reasons and scientific evidence. The original intention was to give you more access to daylight hours, but you may experience mental and physical consequences in the days and possibly weeks surrounding the time change. There doesn’t appear to be good reason to continue to keep DST, but changing it may take several more years. Since inception, the idea of DST has been surrounded by controversy. Today research demonstrates it does not save energy and may instead pose a risk to public health. History of Fast Time When DST was first introduced in the U.S. in 1918, it was c
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