By Dr. Mercola A dry climate or cold weather may increase the amount of static cling you find in your clothes. While this can be a nuisance in your sweaters, suits and shirts, common over-the-counter treatments may trigger damage to your health and the environment. Fortunately, there are alternatives that are both less expensive and safer. Manufacturers take advantage of two of your senses to boost sales when they develop dryer sheets and fabric softeners — smell and touch. Your sense of smell is a primal and powerful ability, allowing you to recognize and remember up to 1 trillion different smells.1 Psychologists understand that scent has the power to evoke a positive or negative reaction within milliseconds.2 When manufacturers combine positive feelings about the softness and scent of your clothing with their product, you're more likely to buy it. However, while static cling is frustrating, there are other natural, less expensive and less hazardous ways of treating your clothing d
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