You're probably familiar with clove, an aromatic spice that is commonly used in Indian and Chinese culture as seasoning and for medicinal purposes. Cloves, also known as clove buds, gained popularity all over the world, especially in the western hemisphere, during the 7th century because of their health benefits. Like other spices, cloves can also be used to make an essential oil. While it is not as popular as other plant oils, I believe there are numerous reasons why you should consider having clove bud oil at home. What Is Clove Bud Oil? Clove bud oil is derived from the clove tree, a member of the Myrtaceae family. This tree is native to Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia. From the evergreen, you can derive three types of clove essential oils: clove bud oil, clove leaf oil and clove stem oil. Out of the three, clove bud essential oil — also known as Eugenia carophyllata — is the most popular in aromatherapy. Because the oils produced from the leaves and stems have stronge
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