By Dr. Mercola At some point or other, you may have looked in your cupboard and found unappetizing little moldy bits on your bread or hamburger buns. Like most people, your first reaction might be to throw it into the nearest garbage pail. Someone may even have admonished you, saying a few specks of mold on bread was “perfectly fine,” “nothing wrong with it,” or brought up the benefits of penicillin. As NPR’s The Salt asks, “Is the furry green stuff a death knell for a baguette, or just a minor setback?” It turns out your initial reaction was probably the right one. Here’s the skinny: Experts on all things foodie agree that moldy bread slices should not serve as the tight ends on your sandwich. According to senior technical information specialist Marianne Gravely from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA): “We don't recommend cutting mold off of bread, because it's a soft food. With soft food, it's very easy for the roots (of the mold), or the tentacles, or whate
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